Thursday, March 10, 2011

No Biopsy, Surgery

I went to the doctors but he did not do the biopsy.  He does not feel that it is cancer, but it has to come out.  It is a two inch nodule that is pressing on my wind pipe.  Surgery is set for March 21th.  He is going to take the nodule and half of the thyroid and determine if it is cancer.  If it is cancer he will take the entire thyroid and I will be on medicine for the rest of my life.  We are moving next weekend and I have surgery on Monday.   I will be out of work for at least a week.  I am excited for the break but wish it was under different circumstances. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good Week

This has been a good week.  I was healthy and was able to work all week.  My back is feeling better today.  In two weeks we will be moving into our new place. We are both excited.
I have a mass on my throid and have a biopsy on Tuesday.  We are both nervous.  I just want to know what it is, and want to know if it needs to be removed.  If I put pressure on the mass or it gets bumped, it is very painful.  It has gotten bigger in the last week or so. 
My sister and her husband came to visit this weekend.  It was good to see them. Last night we went to Aunt Pats for dinner.  Everybody was there except for my dad.  He was working.  Bredan was there with Isabel and Noah. 
Today I went to a baby shower for Vicky.  It was a nice shower.  I am excited for the baby to come.