Saturday, March 26, 2011

Post Surgery

I am feeling great.  I am excited to go back to work on Monday.  I am so thankful for all my friends and family that have helped me during my surgery and recovery.  I am so glad my mother-in-law came to visit.  My sister came on Thursday to spend time with me.  I went shopping yesterday, but it was a little too much.  Today I stayed home, except for a dinner date with my wonderful hubby.  We are enjoying are new place.  Will post pictures soon!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Surgery Today

Today we got up at 4:15 and headed to Rex Hospital.  The experience was amazing, everyone was helpful and kind.  The doctor removed the nodule and half of my thyroid.  The preliminary report came back negative for cancer.  I was home by 3:30.  I took a nap this afternoon, and have had one pain pill to help me sleep.  That is where I am headed now.  Good night.